oh how I have missed this place, if only a day had double the hours and I had triple the energy then I could actually accomplish so much more of what I want.
but thats not the case, as soon as I get the kids in bed after the day is done all I want to do is chill on the sofa with my man, I leave the dishes for the next day and if there is a load in the washing machine, well lets say, ill give a quick rinse the next day, because the last thing I want to do is miss out on "our time" even if we both fall asleep 10 mins into the movie we took an hour to pick, I prefer that than to be wasting my time cleaning stuff that I could just do the next day. But now all is going to change because my Baby River has started Pre school, today is actually his first day, I keep looking at the clock to see how long till I can go pick him up, I'm nervous to know how his day was, but I'm excited to drop him off again tomorrow and watch him grow and learn a whole bunch of new things just like his big sister did, I'm also really happy he's actually in the same pre school Petal went to and not only that but also the same classroom with the same teachers, so I know them and they know me, my heart is so much more at ease knowing he's with them.

There is so many things I can do now that I have a few more hours a day free just for me, I keep thinking oh I can go do groceries alone! you may think huh, but with kids everything takes for ever and a simple nip to the shops takes me an hour or more with River and now I'm in and out in 15 mins :) I can clean the house and most importantly I can get my head in the game and finally sing up for driving lessons, something I had wished I had finished when I was 17 but when your 17 and live in London you don't need a car for anything because London transport is amazing! well compared to the Portuguese transport system at least, so yeah two kids and no drivers licence in a country were you really can't rely on the transport, learning to drive is definitely at the top of my list,
I also want to make this space here more of a daily thing, I want to write more and read more and cook more and make more things and of course document them and share them with you!
I'm off now to finished organising the rest of the kids clothes, hope you all have a lovely day!
but thats not the case, as soon as I get the kids in bed after the day is done all I want to do is chill on the sofa with my man, I leave the dishes for the next day and if there is a load in the washing machine, well lets say, ill give a quick rinse the next day, because the last thing I want to do is miss out on "our time" even if we both fall asleep 10 mins into the movie we took an hour to pick, I prefer that than to be wasting my time cleaning stuff that I could just do the next day. But now all is going to change because my Baby River has started Pre school, today is actually his first day, I keep looking at the clock to see how long till I can go pick him up, I'm nervous to know how his day was, but I'm excited to drop him off again tomorrow and watch him grow and learn a whole bunch of new things just like his big sister did, I'm also really happy he's actually in the same pre school Petal went to and not only that but also the same classroom with the same teachers, so I know them and they know me, my heart is so much more at ease knowing he's with them.

There is so many things I can do now that I have a few more hours a day free just for me, I keep thinking oh I can go do groceries alone! you may think huh, but with kids everything takes for ever and a simple nip to the shops takes me an hour or more with River and now I'm in and out in 15 mins :) I can clean the house and most importantly I can get my head in the game and finally sing up for driving lessons, something I had wished I had finished when I was 17 but when your 17 and live in London you don't need a car for anything because London transport is amazing! well compared to the Portuguese transport system at least, so yeah two kids and no drivers licence in a country were you really can't rely on the transport, learning to drive is definitely at the top of my list,
I also want to make this space here more of a daily thing, I want to write more and read more and cook more and make more things and of course document them and share them with you!
I'm off now to finished organising the rest of the kids clothes, hope you all have a lovely day!